Henry Kissinger is Not Our Chancellor!

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Site Updated 5/23/02

Congratulations to the People of East Timor for finally achieving Independance! Follow our links to find out how Kissinger helped prevent this.

A Letter of Support from an Alum.

I am a 1987 graduate of the College of William and Mary (BA with High Honors in Economics) and an attorney practicing commercial litigation in Philadelphia.

I am very proud to be a graduate of William and Mary and grateful for the excellent education I received there. I have contributed financially to the College from time to time.

I am dismayed by the appointment of Henry Kissinger as Chancellor. There is significant evidence that he was complicit in crimes in Chile in 1973, as well as other extra-legal acts throughout the world. The case against him grows stronger with each new tranche of government documents released to the public through declassification.

As the full truth emerges, Kissinger is likely to be remembered in American history as a figure on par with Henry Wallace on the left (who visited the Soviet gulag at Magadan during the Stalin era and praised Stalin's "humanitarianism") or J. Edgar Hoover on the right (whose agents illegally bugged and blackmailed Martin Luther King and urged him to commit suicide).

There is no gentle way to put it: the evidence suggests that Kissinger will be remembered as a criminal.

William & Mary, as an institution, is rightly proud of its own unique historical legacy. What other school can claim such a rich and longstanding role in American history? We should not tarnish that name by association with a man very likely to be remembered as a villain of high order.

I commend the students who organized the petition against Kissinger's appointment as Chancellor, and I join with them.

Respectfully, Jarett Decker '89
The Charges Against Kissinger

"If killing hundreds of thousands of innocent peasants by dropping million of tons of bombs on undefended civilian targets is not a war crime, then there are no war crimes. If Kissinger is not responsible for these crimes, then there are no war criminals." (Fred Branfman in Salon)

An indictment of Henry Kissinger for genocide, crimes against humanity, and war crimes would include (but not be confined to) the following.

Kissinger scuttled peace talks in 1968, paving the way for Richard Nixon's victory in the presidential race. Half the battle deaths in Vietnam took place between 1968 and 1972, not to mention the millions of civilians throughout Indochina who were killed.

Kissinger persuaded Nixon to widen the war with massive bombing of Cambodia and Laos. No one had suggested we go to war with either of these countries. By conservative estimates, the U.S. killed 600,000 civilians in Cambodia and another 350,000 in Laos.

Using weapons supplied by the U.S., General Yahya Khan overthrew the democratically elected government and murdered at least half a million civilians in 1971. In the White House, the National Security Council wanted to condemn these actions. Kissinger refused. Amid the killing, Kissinger thanked Khan for his "delicacy and tact."

Kissinger helped to plan the 1973 U.S.-backed overthrow of the democratically elected Salvador Allende and the assassination of General Rene Schneider. Right-wing general Augusto Pinochet then took over. Moderates fled for their lives.

Kissinger medled in Eastern Europe as well. In 1974, he knowingly allowed and actually encouraged a Turkish invasion to Cyprus. The resulting invasion caused the division of the island and the disappearance of 1,619 people. Kissiner claims to have had no foreknowledge, but there is substantial evidence to the contrary.
Want to help?

Involvement at William and Mary

-Sign our petition (see petition page for more info)

-Add your name to an international group of people working to have Kissinger's 1973 Nobel Peace Prize revoked (http://www.peacelink.it/tematiche/latina/nobel/index.php3)

-Write a letter to the editor (Flat Hat, W&M News, Daily Press, your local paper)

-Write a letter to the BOV (see BOV page for more info)

If you're not at W&M (rest of world)

-Educate yourself and write to a local paper or magazine.

-Talk to other people about Kissinger's record. People are receptive, they just don't hear this stuff.

-Write letters to government representatives urging that Kissinger be held accountable for his actions.

If you have other ideas, please pass them along to us. You can email notmychancellor@yahoo.com or kissingerpetition@hotmail.com

Feedback is encouraged!


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